Archive | January 28, 2021

Astronomy 1/28/21

Homework: Big Part of the 50 Astronomical Observations which is 10% of your grade.

Every night, from today, 1/28/21 until 2/26/21, go outside and find the moon. Draw what is looks like to you on a piece of paper. Then go to and write down the phase of the moon and the % illumination next to your drawing. Save it by scanning it to your computer or phone or take a picture and save it as the day’s date. For example, save it as 12821, tomorrow will be 12921, Saturday will be 13021, etc.

You will need to upload that to CTLS. Go to your astronomy class, click on the session that that is that day’s session. Upload your file to the lesson upload. Don’t forget to save it there.

This entry was posted on January 28, 2021, in Astronomy.